Lessons learned

So let’s take a deeper look at ‘hero’. As an aspiring author, I wrote the story, paid someone to make a simple cover for me and winged the categories, book description and keywords. It gets worse, believe me it does. Since I had no money, I edited the book myself. As someone who has editing experience that went well. Not! Looking back I’m embarrassed but all I can do is learn from that experience.

I knew nothing about pace, character depth or showing and not telling. I didn’t even know that numbers should be spelled out. I didn’t know that I didn’t know though. Still, I was hesitant to market the book because I was uncertain.
My sales numbers reflected this poor quality. I urge anyone who is writing a book to take your time to learn best practices before leaping in headfirst.
With my coming relaunch, I feel much more confident about the story and it’s quality. I’ve taken time to have other people read it, I’ve hired a line editor and I joined writers groups all of which have contributed to a vastly improved story that I’m proud to stand behind and have my name on.
So what lessons were learned?
– A coach once said winning is a habit. Writing needs to be a daily habit whether you feel like it or not.
– your first rough draft will be shit.
– create a group of people who like your writing and will beta read for you
– hire an outside editor. A good one.
– a quality cover is required
– carefully consider your categories and keywords.
– the book description has to sell them within the first ten words (see below for my new book description)
My new book description
India has always been a special place. A place of the mythical, the mystical and the legends. Ramesh did not concern himself with such things though. That is, until his mediocre life became too much for him and he returns to the village in India where he was born. There he embarks on an extraordinary journey that takes him to places he could never have imagined. In the village he becomes a legend. He becomes hero.
The best part of this is that the lessons I learned will carry forward to my future books.
I’m writing faster and more cleanly meaning less editing down the road.
If you’re interested in following my author journey and get the pre-release (digital) copy of my first book “hero” for FREE, go to the link below and sign up. This offer is only available until 1/01/19.
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Posted in Lessons

Drudgery & Determination

The hardest part of writing is the rewriting. When you finish the rough draft you feel like you see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is nowhere near the truth. The reality is you aren’t even halfway done. The first read through of the draft will find silly errors and many gaps in the story. This is where I am bogged down with ‘The Boys of Brighton Beach’. Here is where the momentum can get sucked right out of you. You have to dedicate yourself to push through what I call pre-editing.

After finishing that, begins the real editing. Make sure the characters feel real. Is the language authentic? Does the story flow and make sense? Am I avoiding other typical writer mistakes?

From my perspective, that is the worst part of the writing experience. You feel submerged and want to quit. You can’t.

Next level editing is easier in that I run the document through an online editor and determine what edits I want to accept. After that, I have an outside editor review it and then hand it over to beta readers for their feedback. These last three parts are easier and help to get back the momentum that was lost early in the editing process.

I haven’t found a solution to keep things moving during editing so I’m open to suggestions.

I guess whatever motivated you to write the story in the first place you might have to leverage to keep you going during the tough times.

Good luck writers!

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Posted in The Writing Game

Holding my breath

Today my book ‘hero’ went free. It will be free for the next three days. Grab a copy. I wasn’t sure how many downloads to estimate would occur during this free period. I ranged from 500 to hoping for 100. It’s a new experience for me. Unlike when I first had my book available and made it free, I didn’t cross my fingers and hope for downloads. This time I listed it on free ebook websites and 1 small paid promotion.

Before, i would get virtually no downloads but oh how times have changed. I’m happy to report that at last check, my download total is 133! With 2 more days to go, I estimate 300 total downloads. It’s not bad, but always wish for more.

Additionally, I’m hoping to get 3 good reviews out of those downloads. That remains to be seen whether it is realistic.

I’m also hoping the downloads can add to my pathetic newsletter list I have.

Afterwards, I plan on increasing the price to its full price listing of $2.99 and see where that takes us.

I still have 2 free days to use which I will burn the last week of March. I don’t expect it will be as effective as this one but let’s see.

I’m chewing my nails now wondering what people are thinking about my book. It’s driving me nuts but I’ll have to wait for the feedback.

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Posted in Free


Exciting news today. I recently applied for my first book ‘hero’ to BookViral. I wasn’t sure whether I would they would agree to read my book. According to their website, they reject most of the books submitted. That was a little scary. I need my book to get attention but putting it out there for people to criticize is nerve wracking.

BookViral’s email response to my submission said if they were interested, they would send an email within three days. Noon today was three days, so I was sweating it.

Well, I got an email from BookViral that they would review ‘hero’.

I was sooo excited, that I shared the news to my friends and family.

It’s a major milestone for me in my writing career. Now I’m sweating out what kind of review the book will get.

An author’s life is never easy 🙂 but occasionally it is rewarding.

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Posted in Milestone

Off to the Races

More than ten years after the idea came to me, I can finally let go and release ‘hero’ into the universe. I thank whatever force gave me the idea and moving on to the next book.

The Boys of Brighton Beach, as you might recall from previous postings, has entered editing. I’ve done what I call pre-editing, ie adding details to each chapter for most of the book. I still have forty odd chapters to go and don’t expect that to take more than a few days. As you know, I am already behind my 2019 schedule so trying to make up ground.

I haven’t decided whether I will try to write for A Mountain of Forgiveness each day but I think the answer will have to be yes. I won’t however try to juggle a third book. That proved to be too much early in the year.

After pre-editing, book two will enter regular editing and below are the priorities:

1) make sure I’m showing not telling

2) make sure language is consistent with the time period

3) are chapters in correct order?

4) identify gaps in story

This is where things could really slow down and I have to be aware of that and keep the momentum going. After I clean up the above, I will run the book through Prowriting Aid which is an online writing tool. That’s the immediate plan.

One fun task remains and that is having the cover created. I will go back to fiverr for that help.

I’ll update next Wednesday.

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Posted in The Writing Game

On the Cusp

I know. I know. I’ve been finishing for two months now. Actually, this is for real. I’m editing the last two chapters of ‘hero’. After that, some minor adjustments and checks like making sure my dates make sense or cleaning up chapter titles.

A lot of my edits have been to make sure the writing is showing not telling. Telling rather than showing is a common writer error.

Something else I cleaned up a lot was inconsistent use of terms. Especially since I use foreign words at points, it is important to be consistent.

So the editing is done. What’s next? it’s on to how to format my word document. My hope is that the process will be pretty smooth but I’m not counting on that.

I don’t know if I will read it aloud before I upload. Time is short and I am tired. Forgive me.

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Posted in launch, momentum, the end

Mad Dash to the Finish

I’m editing like crazy this weekend. After ten plus years of off and on work on my first book ‘hero’ the end is in sight. I’ll be honest though, the last couple of months have been tough.

As a runner, there was something familiar about it. This experience reminded me of running marathons. The exhilaration of the start. The excitement of people pulling for you. Then the monotony of the miles sets in but the energy from the excitement keeps you going. That is however, until you hit the wall around mile 18. Your legs start to quiver, you slow down. It feels like too much. You see runners collapse at this point. They have nothing left. If somehow, you are able to dig deep and push past the wall at mile 22, the end is truly in sight. You feel reenergized and can cross that finish line. Head held high. Proud of that accomplishment.

I’ve crossed the wall and now I’m reenergized to reach the finish. I’m going to hold my head up high when I do finish because, whether the book is perfect or not, I did my best to tell the story I imagined. There are many who fail to reach the finish. The wall gets them. Or something else. There are also many who never reach the starting line. I made both as of this week and I will celebrate that accomplishment.

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Posted in launch, the end


I’ve failed my first major book goal of 2019. I wanted to relaunch my first book in January but I haven’t. Yes, I had the flu, I traveled to Turkey and New York but I still should have found time. I’m only 6 weeks into 2019 and I’m at least 4 weeks behind schedule. I’m disappointed in myself for that.

Okay. Enough of the pity party. What can I do to get going again?

Where I have been stuck is adding details in each chapter. It’s important to really put the reader into each scene. That being said, it’s a pain and sucks the motivation out of me. Additionally, I keep catching errors which at this point should be rare, but isn’t. Again, that makes me not want to look at the book.

I’ve taken some time to remember why I wrote the book in the first place. I am tired, but recommitted. Tomorrow, I will crank through as many chapters as I can. Hopefully, I can launch the book this week.

I heard somewhere that brick walls are put in front of you to find out how badly you want something. I’ve climbed many walls on this journey. I’ll climb this last one too and finish my book knowing I did my very best.

A reminder that at some point, I will stop posting here and will be posting exclusively at hareeshjayanthi.com

Hope to see you there!

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Posted in Editing conundrum, Status update, Ups and Downs

Editing Process

Since I’m deep in the editing process, I thought I would share the process I have developed to structure my editing. Please note, this is my process. It may not, in fact probably will not work for you. It only took me ten years to develop this but I am still refining. I don’t claim this is the best way or even close. I know this isn’t just editing but bear with me.

I start with a very bare bones outline of the story I imagined. I usually see one particular scene first so I try to build around. It is definitely less than 1,000 words at this point and there are big gaps in the story. Sentence fragments dominate.

As I start to “tune in” to the story more scenes come into my head. I add to the skinny outline and have produced an enhanced outline. Word count is somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000. The writing is still crap at this point.

Once I have the enhanced outline fleshed out with enough scenes I begin writing everyday from each scene. I target around 500 words a day. I create chapters though they are not really in any order. I target 60% of what I think the total word count will be for v1 of the rough draft.

What I call Pre editing is going chapter by chapter and fixing obvious mistakes and adding details. Obvious mistakes include spelling errors, poor grammar, etc. I try to add 100 words of details per chapter. That adds about 10,000 to 20,000 to the book.

First editing is checking for appropriateness of language used by characters and adding more details. I also check to make sure there is depth to all significant characters. Since many of my locations or times are exotic, details really add to the flavor.

Second editing is running it through an online checker as well as reading it aloud. The online checker highlights things I have missed and wouldn’t otherwise be familiar with. Reading it aloud really adds a finality to my editing.

Third editing is getting feedback from beta readers. This is tough because now you have to hear from others. Additionally, getting useful feedback is difficult. Still, it’s a necessary evil.

Fourth editing is line editor which you can hire on Fiverr.com. Another pair of eyes is always helpful.

Fifth editing is final check by me. Read aloud. After all that, I curl up and read it aloud to really send my story out to the universe. The universe whispered it to me as a tiny idea and now I’ve finished it and am whispering it back as a finished story.

Finally, I format the book and upload it.

That’s it. It’s actually a lot but it separate last people who talk about writing a book from the people who see it through.

Anyway, I hope this view of my process helps in your own efforts.

On a side note, I am consolidating my blogs onto my personal website: http://hareeshjayanthi.com/

It’s a work in progress but bookmark and check it. There’s more than just books there.

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Posted in The Writing Game

Obstacles test commitment

The universe is not conspiring against me, though sometimes even I have to wonder. I brought the wrong plug adaptor to Turkey so no writing occurred there. I’ve been battling the flu since I’ve returned so there’s been minimal progress on the writing front.

Three weeks into the new year and and I’m already three weeks behind. It’s frustrating!

I’m doing everything in my power to finish and upload ‘hero’ in January but it’s not going to be easy.

Boys of Brighton Beach and Mountain of Forgiveness have been pushed to the side in my haste to get hero done. Definitely not best practices.

Why is it that you plan things meticulously but in the end it’s just a mad dash to get things done?

My website is having new features added to it this week (http://hareeshjayanthi.com/) which should serve to broaden the user experience. If you have ideas on how to improve the site, let me know.

The mad dash continues…

(Image is Blue Mosque in Istanbul)

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Posted in Status update

Disappointed but never defeated

So my writing plans for my trip to Istanbul were destroyed early on when I realized that the adaptor I brought wouldn’t fit my laptop plug. It was frustrating to say the least. The cold, wet weather matched my mood. Still, I got to see some nice things and get away from the daily grind.

Today has given me an opportunity to reflect on what my writing priorities should be. I’ve come to the decision that while it is important to have multiple books available, getting the first one in there should be job number one.

Therefore, I will pause any work on Boys of Brighton Beach and Mountain of Forgiveness until hero has been launched.

Its a tough decision but with the recent unproductive days my target of January is potentially in jeopardy. I can’t have that. Too many things planned for 2019.

Dont worry about the other books. After hero’s launch, I will redouble my efforts to stay on schedule.

Maybe these lost days have served to help me reprioritize. Could have been a good thing though I would never tell anyone that.

The only writing related things I will continue with while finishing hero are the Twitter account @jayanthihareesh), the Facebook page (Hareesh the author) and of course the blog posts.

Its going to be a crazy rush this whole year I think. Buckle up!

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Posted in launch, Ups and Downs